
By Melisseus

Getting an Name

[Post publication edit: I had no idea today was an official anniversary. Sorry for not creating some witty photographic reference] 

I liked the names really - you'll probably have to expand the picture to read them. They remind me of apples and wine - a mixture of geographical, historic and whimsical - probably that's why all three attract me. I chatted, 36 years ago, with a farmer whose milk was taken to the local co-op (in a stainless steel vessel, towed by a tractor) to produce Comté (label barely visible at the back). I remember "Nous sommes les paysans", but I can't remember who he was contrasting himself with - bureaucrats, probably 

The Shipston buffalo herd is just along the road from us. We have visited the farm in Wales where Perl Wen is produced (the "Wen" is hidden). There was a period in my life when I drove through Hawes (and bought cheese) several times a year. Reblochon reminds me of wine-rich nights and fresh-air days with good friends on the French/Swiss border. And so on: memories and associations and dreams. It engenders good feelings about the display (which engenders good sales)

The cheese counter is part of a deli section that is part of a food hall selling a very wide range of products from fresh fruit and veg to wine to chocolate to flour. It is big enough to need supermarket-style trolleys. Everything is prrsented with the same lack of bombast but attention to detail and quality

Attached is a large and busy cafe, serving good-quality meals with just the right lack of fuss. It is not the sort of place you come to if your finances are affected by the loss of the winter fuel allowance, but nor is it so expensive that the cars in the car park are intimidating

Over and above what it sells, there is an atmosphere. It is very easy to detect that people there enjoy their work and want to help customers have a good time, without any hint of sycophancy or 'customer services' training. It happens to be on our way home, but it is on a farm far from any town or major through route. Motorways run close by, but junctions are 15-20 minutes away. It can only thrive by its repeat business, like us, and its reputation

We spent a while wondering what can be at the heart of it. There must be one or two people with very strong vision, charisma, flair and expertise, coupled with enormous energy, to make so many facets of a hugely complex business with so many potential pitfalls work so well

Without any deliberate co-ordination, both our grandsons had their births registered at their respective city halls today. Both families wisely turned it into a mini celebration - an occasion to send joyful pictures to tearful grandparents. Names are important

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