
By hazelh

Queen Caitlin and leaves

Now that we have moved our acer into its new home, it's very obvious that I really need to tidy this corner of the garden. Otherwise poor Queen Caitlin will soon be completely submerged under leaves. She already looks a bit fed up that her view across the garden is obscured by the everlasting geranium.

I made two trips to the gym today. This morning I went to a strength training class with Joe, followed by a swim. This evening I returned for a talk from the British Heart Foundation and CPR training. Between these two visits I worked on auctioneer admin (Does anyone here want a picture by John Bratby?), and finished touching up the paintwork on our shed.

After my second visit to the gym, I met Mr hazelh, Bruce and Elly in the West End for a wonderful Indian meal and lots of catch-up chat at Khukuri. The tram brought us home again.

Exercise today: 1 hour on the exercise bike; strength training; swim (30 lengths); walking (19,256 steps).

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