
By Wildwood

The Person of my Life

What I really wanted to do was get a good action shot of my Pilates class this morning, but I didn't feel I could do that without asking permission and disrupting the class. I did talk to Sherisse, the teacher, after class and she said she would take a picture for me next week but I'd like to have her in it! I forgot to tell her that I won't be in class next week because I have to go to the dermatologist. I hate going to this clinic which is like an assembly line, but I have a plan....

Instead I decided to take a picture of the main person in my life sitting, as he often does .at his puzzle table. Too bad about the terrarium with the dead plants in such a prominent position in the middle of the shot, but replanting it is one of those projects I haven't gotten around to. And the pillows brought inside because of the threat of rain which still threatens but has yet to materialize.The ubiquitous Spike is not exactly a person, but he certainly gets treated like one, a very spoiled one! He got a new Kong today, because he finally managed to breech the old one after working on it for almost almost four years. 

Speaking of longevity, I am about to retire the orchid plant which has been blooming continuously in its spot on the bookcase since Kathy gave it to me after I got my new knee almost seven months ago. It is finally beginning to drop its flowers. I've never had much luck getting orchids to bloom again, but I'll give it a try once more because it's been so valiant.

And speaking of the new knee, I remind myself often of something my friend Marcia said when they came for lunch last week. She has had both knees replaced, the first one ten years ago, and she said, no matter how good it is and how much better it feels, it is not YOUR knee.! I reminded myself of that yet again as I was kneeling on the reformer today. It isn't the least bit painful, but it is a definite reminder that it is not my knee....

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