
By TonyG


.... not crocus!   Colchicum sfikasianum, to be precise.  Flowering dry, in a pot in my porch, before I got around to replanting it.  

A very full day.  My only day off at home in a twelve day run that sees me working on six days and away for the other five.   I am definitely getting too old for all this action!   I managed to get almost all the things on my 'essential to do' list, done by six pm when I sat down for my tea.   Afterwards I snoozed for twenty minutes before putting the bags - and the dogs - in the car and setting off to Ruth's in Birmingham.   An uneventful drive saw me on her doorstep at eleven.  Tired and sleepy now.

BIG Thank You to everyone who  has left gifts for yesterday's milestone blip.

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