
By Hamp5on

Eye eye

I was at the ES coffee this morning. It was a bit quieter than sometimes which meant for deeper catching up! I went to the hospital from there to visit Stuart, as I came out of the lift I bumped into a homeless friend who's hooked on all sorts of awful drugs. She'd been admitted and looked heaps better! She was clean, has put on some weight etc! So I'll go visit her when I'm seeing Stuart.
Good to see him today, he had a funny turn and fell, thankfully I caught him. He's light as a feather. 
The weather has been on and off drizzly all day, lovely!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Sarah dropping me at the hospital.
2) Asha working hard on her homework this afternoon. 
3) Seeing Pilar in the hospital, looking so much better. 

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