More sunshine (Day 3419)
Now that my knee is behaving itself, my days are getting a bit busier. I started this morning with a wander up the hill with Sigyn, then out to the shed to do a whole load of measuring and writing of lists.
With a reasonable idea of what I needed, I headed to town and bought a huge (for me) load of timber and some corrugated iron roofing sheets. There was just time to get home and get Sigyn out for another wander at Lyde before the supplies were due to be delivered. The delivery turned up later than expected which gave me time for lunch and to make a start on stripping the roof off our sheds. It is a job that has been needing done since we moved into the house, and it is good to make a start on it at long last. I am looking forward to having dry sheds.
It was grand to be working outside in the sunshine and it was after five by the time my beautiful wife and I zoomed across to see the horses. Riding plans for today were put on hold because at 23⁰C it was too warm for our well insulated boys.
Nice to bump into Mum and Birsay the pup, as well as E&J out wandering too.
More of the same tomorrow I expect.
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