
By Incredibish

Passing Place

aka "March of the Mini Marrows"

I was sat in the front garden, well away from everyone else (well, all the other humans, anyway), when I glanced over to the pear tree from whence Monday's shot came. It was alive, and in more ways than normal tree sentience!

I believe these are buff tip moth caterpillars, and there were about forty of them clambering all over the sapling, reducing much of it to a shadow of its former glory. Looking for all the world like mini mobile marrows, each was about 8cm in length and each was very, very hungry.

Tough call... save the sapling or save the moth? Not my call anyway, but I mentioned it to the neighbour when they came home.

Coming home... yes, mum's home and happy so to be! And I'm feeling almost well again, albeit still got the hacking cough so am still "the masked photographer!"

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