
By maureen6002

Dragons at Bodnant

Thanks so much for your good wishes yesterday. 

To be honest, I’m surprised how well I feel today.  My main problem is still the abdominal pain linked - apparently - to the hernia, but I feel few ill effects from yesterday’s procedure or the general anaesthetic. 

In fact, I feel well enough for a trip to Bodnant, particularly tempting due to the wonderful weather. G carries my camera bag down to the bottom terrace where I sit at the side of the pond trying to capture dragonflies. G meanwhile, walks a circuit of the gardens. 

It’s crazy that my first sightings of Southern Hawkers come now in September.  As always, capturing them is such a challenge, they are in constant flight and no sooner do I manage to focus on them, they move off out of view once more. Still, I do manage a few reasonable shots. Meanwhile, Common Darters join together at the far side of the pond, looking like fairies as their wings catch the light. It’s just wonderful to be here in the sunshine. 

Having completed his walk, G joins me to carry my bag on the return trip up through the terraces and to the cafe where we have a welcome stop for refreshments. 

By now I’m really ready to go home and rest, but our car has other ideas. The battery coolant warning light comes on, so we drive on to Llandudno and the Kia garage. We wait as our car is examined and before long, we’re told ‘It’s bad news ……’ 

There’s a fault with the coolant system, and coolant is leaking from the car. As this is highly inflammable, and an over-heating battery is a major danger, there is no way we can drive the car away. Apparently ours is the fifth car in the garage that has this problem - and further investigation when we get home shows it may well be a recall problem. We will be given a courtesy car, BUT they don’t have any available, so we’re driven home to await news in availability tomorrow …….

Fortunately, we still have out Golf, so I’m able to go to Camera Club tonight. I’m unsure whether I’ll last the complete session, but it’s so interesting that I surprise myself by managing  the full two hours - though I take myself straight to bed when we get home! 

My main today’s a Southern Hawker over the lily pads (best viewed large) with a few other shots in extras. Apologies for the lack of comments …… 

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