
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 74/90
Main activity: Tues - work, haircut, pool
Notes: Woke around 4a and finally got up and did some things and chatted w/ Jo. 606a laid back down on the couch and slept soundly for almost exactly 2 hrs waking just after 8a! Surprising and felt like another big shift had come. Had coffee and everything a bit later. Ran to Aldi for 2 things (and they were out of both) so went on down W Bay and got my haircut. Back and did the pool for a bit. Saw this pine cone or something off a tree w/ red berries - looks like Christmas! Fair amount of work then for SpeakOUT and BranchOUT ... fixed venison burger around 3p w/ avo, bacon, egg and the last of the goat cheddar. More work, shower just before 5p and re-doing a few work areas of different marketing pieces. Watched some Bates Motel on Prime and then jumped on Zoom around 8p w/ Jo for a mini releasing session. Went to bed just after 9p again then.

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