A bit scorched around the edges
And it set the smoke alarm off.
So what should have been a day of productively pottering around in the garage making shelves for Ewan and getting on with the window (after going to the garage - the actual car-mending garage - and picking up M's motor and handing over hundreds of pounds) came to little. Shelves were half done but then the sander decided to be a tit so everything stopped.
Instead, I decided to test the dodgy knee on the bike and it was OK but not great. Fine when you're just bimbling along in a gear that means there's actually very little effort. Even uphill was OK. Stopping and starting less so. There's just a little bit of an ouch when you do that initial push and after years of favouring my right leg for that, I almost fell on my face trying to do it with my left. Funny that. I'll do it again tomorrow. I feel it needs to be used rather than rested.
The rest of the afternoon was spent being irritated by someone's stupid use of some bad data before making risotto.
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