Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Best swim ever..................

This morning we went down to Porthgwidden Beach so that my human could have a swim. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and the sea was calm.

I had my usual play along Porthmeor Beach with my ball and then I had another little play on Porthgwidden Beach (in this BLIP) before Ann went for her swim.

It was busy down on the beach today. 9 of Ann's 'Dippers & Swimmers' were there, plus two other large-ish groups, plus a lot of other people. It was like the whole world had decided to go for a swim at Porthgwidden Beach at 8am this morning. It was fabulous.

Obviously, I was the bestest behaved pooch there...................

There were loads of other dogs just running around all over the place. Do they not realise that when their owner is swimming, they have to either sit at the waters edge, watching what their owner is doing, or else sit by their owners stuff in guarding mode?! There were little 'Terrier type doggies' running amok and one of Ann's 'Dippers & Swimmers' group said that she'd had to speak to their owners the other day because they were having poos on the beach and their owners weren't picking up??!! How disgusting is that?!!! Who wants to swim in the sea with dog poo???!!!

Smug Collie Pup here................. I know that I have to have two poos on the way to the beach because even though Ann keeps an eye on me at all times when she's swimming, I know that it would make her angry if she had to come out of the sea to pick up my poo. Lol!

Moving swiftly on......................... Because the sea was nice and calm this morning, Ann tried to entice me into the sea. I wasn't having any of it. There were hardly any waves at all but the slightest little ripple scares me so I prefer just to watch & guard.

Ann is a very nice Collie pup owner, so she says if that's what I want to do, then that's what I should do. Yay!!!

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