Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


This is an upside down shot of some spring onions that I purchased several months ago, but they have been growing in our garden.

I read somewhere that if you kept the bottom part of the spring onions that you would normally just throw into the compost bin, stood them in some water, root side down, then before long, you would have some little spring onion plants that could be planted in the garden.  

So, being one who likes a challenge, I did just that and they have been growing bigger and bigger, having had plenty of rain and sunshine to help them.

This is completely “off theme” - of course it is - and besides, whoever has an iris growing in their garden at this time of year?  So I decided that the tiny roots would be my offering for Tiny Tuesday.  I did look around in the garden for some spiders' webs and found plenty, but even those wouldn't constitute "iris"!  

I am waiting for a friend to come for lunch, and I have to say that whilst chopping these four spring onions, the smell was very pungent and made me tear up and even sneeze!  I have also made Tzatziki, with home grown cucumber and mint from the garden, so what with that and lots of garlic together with these onions, my friend and I could scare people away quite easily!

Mr. HCB has gone off to cricket and the weather is beautiful.  However, I just messaged him and he told me his team is not doing that well at the moment, so although they came out top in the T20 Final on Saturday evening, the score at the moment is 51 for 6 - ah well, there’s another 3 days before the match ends!

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