Marking Time

By Libra

How to promote your work

We artists are notoriously poor at promoting our work though younger artists, in the age of social media, are happy to talk about themselves and their work.
Older ones like me, especially from a Welsh puritanical background, recoil in horror at the thought of self-promotion.  Anyway in Scotland it is frowned upon ( “ who does she think she is?” ).  My years in journalism only strengthened this.
 ( In  “old school journalism” you kept the ego out of your work.)
The result is that so many visitors are totally baffled by my work. What to do?
So I ask  Laura Gill, runner up to Landscape Artist of the Year , and former advertising executive on the Glasgow Herald for some help.
 She quickly identifies the problem. 

 “Your target audience is young people. – schools, colleges. They understand computers and A.I It’s their world.”

Fired up with enthusiasm I make a start. Popping into the local Coop in Dunblane for some milk and spot two young girls at the check-out wearing what I take to be a dark school uniform.
Sixth formers from Dunblane High doing a part-time job. 
Who is their Head of Art? I will ask.
They speak to each other.
I don’t recognize the language.
What is it?
No they are not schoolgirls. One is 26. 
Ouch! I make my excuses and leave. So much for promoting my work.
Memo to self: must try harder.
Photo: Laura Gill (right) with some of my digital photographs and ceramic heads which form part of my exhibition to show the transition from sculpture and photography to A.I.

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