
By rat

Velvet foot

According to an app this fungus growing on a tree stump has the delightful name of Velvet foot and is supposed to be edible. However, there are 2 similar ones that aren't and one is quite poisonous so I won't be sampling it.
Monday is generally the day for doing housework so I got some done, and made bread, and also got some gardening done and Mr Rat cut the grass. 
We went up to church to show someone the facilities but they didn't appear, still waiting tohear why not - maybe they forgot.
An evening run with the other group and the light was lovely, at one point it was like running into a golden tunnel and later the sky was firey through the trees.
I was impressed with myself on getting home, within 25mins of me getting in we were sitting down to a 2-course meal cooked from scratch!

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