Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

C'mon, Mom!

I was going to go with a hummingbird today (there was one in the garden this morning) but then... this.  How could I resist this?  Jax used to "de-fuzz" tennis balls at an alarming rate but now he is more interested in brief games of catch and "chase me".  Look at that face - who could resist?

A quiet day.  Hubs is continuing to improve and his pain level is decreasing noticeably now.  Thank goodness for physical therapy!  We continue to have perfect weather with nights in the 50's and days in the high 70's with very low humidity.  The maple trees are starting to slowly turn yellow - always the first trees in our woods to show signs of fall.  There are fewer pollinators in the garden now but the squirrels and chipmunks are in overdrive stockpiling food for winter.  Fall is always a little bittersweet for me - I love the weather and the colors but I dread the onset of winter with endless gray days.  Fortunately, I have at least one trip this winter to look forward to.  

Dark with orange today.


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