
By ishaan03

Chanting, bhangra, Jose’s pub crawl

Long day today.

The morning began with immediate flat cleaning as Marcus and Tobi were due to arrive at 11 am. We chanted for 30 mins , chatted for 10 mins and studied 3 chapters from the happiness book for rest of the time.

Next, I headed to the Bhangra taster at Pleasance. I bumped into Max(i), Maya, Seth, Alex, Baby Rohan, and Alex’s Mum at Starbucks Qmile. They were on there way to the bhangra class as well since I had extended the invite. Alex, her Mum and Rohan could not come due to Rohan not being allowed at first as he too little, though I think he would have enjoyed himself! Seth, Maya, Max and I headed. Ning and her Austrian friend also joined. Lovely and high intensity class. I was tired.

I left with Seth and Maya after the class. And then on the way back to Bruntsfield, I bumped into John my sweet friend from work, who is bad at replying! We chatted for bit and then I left home to get ready to meet José and others for pub crawl.

I had no time to eat proper dinner so had to resort to Burger King and then quickly went to the White Hart pub at Grassmarket. We played couple of games. I left early feeling tired!

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