
By fitzbilly

Kitchen Still Lifes

First a fairly conventional still life. When we had the kitchen done quite a few years ago now we wanted some basic shelves on the wall next to the fridge/freezer. I remember the supplier's price for this was absolutely ridiculous. (I also remember them wanting to charge a lot extra for drilling four decorative holes in the fridge door, to which my response was I am absolutely not paying extra for you to drill those four holes!). Anyway I sourced some oak shelves on line somewhere and installed them myself. OK they are maybe not perfectly aligned, but that is the fault of the uneven wall, not me :-)

In the extra a less conventional still life. My first idea for the blip this morning, which perhaps needs more work. I put my phone inside the dishwasher and used my watch to take the photo. Technology eh!

Camera club this evening, including a practical session on mount cutting.

One year ago:
Enterrement De Vie De Jeune Fille
That chicken thing was done!

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