Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands


Little Man and I went to church this morning after a rather hectic morning. Little Man was up during the night and ended up having a badly leaking nappy, so our bedsheets needed to be washed. I'd brought him into my bed, to see if that would help him sleep, without realising what the problem was. I stripped the beds and got the washing machine on before we left. I also got a snack ready for Little Man when he's at crèche. I just about managed to get us ready in time. We had a lovely morning and came home. Little Man had a sleep, and whilst he was down, Caleb popped in to show me what he's done to his new car. He owns a Toyota Yaris that ended up in the river behind his house, just before our parents left for Uganda. He was able to get it out and taken apart within hours. However, it's been parked at a nearby garage for the last six weeks or so. Since my parents left, he's been driving my dad's Mazda 2. With them returning next week, he was in need of wheels, and found the same model and colour of car as the one that went for a swim. He's got a few things to do on it but he was thrilled to have found it.

Little Man and I had an early dinner once I got him up and then hung out for a bit. He was still pretty tired, so went down quietly but took his time going to sleep. Hopefully, tonight will be good, without any early wake up calls (from Little Man) or problems.

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