
By pensionspoet

Gardening - before and after

I gave myself an afternoon off, and spent it in the garden weeding with help from Mollie. All of my flower beds are full of weeds, and I’ve been itching to get out and weed, but the opportunity has not arisen until now.

We tried to focus on one small area. I’ve dug out and thrown away loads of crocosmia. If I had a garden 4 times the size, then there would be room for it, but mine has been taken over by a few plants like this, so I’m being ruthless. I’m also removing a lilac which is in the wrong place. There are a few more weekends to spend in this small area, but I’m trying to be systematic. Pleased with the overall result. I’m determined to remove as many ground elder roots as possible, so it is slow going.

Daniel came for dinner so we were only missing Henry. For my blipping friends who won’t know, Henry has gone with 2 friends to Switzerland on his motorbike. He left here Thursday evening and they have done the ride in stages, arriving in Switzerland yesterday. Today is a rest day for them. We have had a few photos sent by WhatsApp. It is reassuring for me because I can’t help worrying. Tomorrow they continue their tour, riding to Austria. I’m hoping he will get lots of good photos with his proper camera.

We had lasagne for dinner then played a game just the 4 of us, before Dan and Mollie went back to their homes in Cromer.

I’m sitting now with my laptop. Hoping to get a few hundred words down. My friend is still ploughing through the early chapters for me. I’m still thinking about what I will do with the end result…but I know I’ve plenty of time before I have to decide how or who publishes it, if it’s good enough.

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