
By antipodean

MYT Day 2: Beach!

Julia and Phoebe displayed their impressive acrobatic skills at the beach this afternoon with handstands and cartwheels in the sand. Unfortunately I have no acrobatic skills so I just took photos.

We had a lazy start to the day, with most people surfacing late after a pretty big night. It took us a while to get organised, but finally a group of us gathered to go to the beach. The weather was stunning and it was just so nice to be out in the fresh air and the sunshine. Julia, Phoebe and I frolicked in the sand and the (freezing cold) sea and took photos of each other doing increasingly ridiculous things - thus leading to the acrobatics! The rest of the group made a rather impressive sand octopus, complete with a top hat (naturally).

When we got back to the house we decided it was time to try the spa out. We filled it to capacity (which I think was 11 people), which made it pretty cozy, but it was super fun. I haven't been in a spa for ages and I'd forgotten how nice it is.

I went to bed pretty early - my busy weekend and last night's shenanigans caught up with me, and I decided to get a good sleep so that I could party on Wednesday.

I didn't realise until I saw the photo on my computer that Julia's bottom foot is blurry - apart from that tiny, irritating detail, I kind of love this picture. Julia is awesomely framed to one side of the image, and I like the the lines of her body through the air.

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