Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR


Thank you for all the hearts and kind comments on yesterday's image, it was a good outing in LOndon, and I am still trying to find time to edit the photos.

Today was wonderfully sunny and 19C - although to me it did not feel quite like 19C feels in the middle of summer, it was cool enough to wear a jacket. Gavin laughed at me and said that 19C is the same whatever the season, but I disagree, I think 19C in autumn is cooler than 19C in summer.

We enjoyed our walk with Xena this morning which was followed by a coffee at our local cafe where we caught up on the local news from the cafe owner - there is a proposed development for our village which we are very much in favour of, as are all the local shop owners, but the plans have been rejected twice due to complaints from some people who don't like change.

After our coffee we headed off to Woking as Gavin and I are both needing some new walking shoes, and we thought it best to try them on before buying - I particularly need to do that with my sore toe to see if they are comfortable. We went to Woking, because the brand website for these shoes (On shoes) said there was a store there that stocked all their shoes (the On store is in London and we did not want to go there). We have not been to Woking in decades, the last time I went there was when the boys played in the church there for a music festival. Anyway we duly found the store, but they no longer stock the brand! That was annoying, so we consoled ourselves with buying some dark chocolate from Hotel Chocolat before driving off to Chertsey where there was another shop that stocked these shoes. In the Surrey traffic with road works everywhere this took absolutely ages! We managed to try on the shoes we wanted but they did not have the colours we liked, so when we came home I ordered them online directly from the manufacturer. At least we knew which size to order as they are a small fit and one has to go up a size.

On the way home we stopped off at a field that I had seen on social media that is full of sunflowers. Apparently the farmer planted corn but because of our wet summer the crop failed so he planted sunflowers instead. There are masses of them, fields and fields, I have never seen so many sunflowers before. Like bluebells they are difficult to photograph, single close ups or the entire field? I took a variety of images and was undecided which one to blip.

It's thankfully a quiet night at home, a lazy night with TV.

I then carried 

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