
By Almondblossom


Last Saturday my wonderful youngest son and his wife celebrated their wedding in a vineyard in southern France with both our families and lots of their friends. Over three magical days we ate, drank, talked, made new friends, sang, swam, played, walked, cried and partied.

We were all involved in the making of the day - my daughter added the sleeves to the bride’s gown and embroidered the serviettes, my eldest son made candles with a scent he’d devised especially for the occasion and I made jam and chutney for the breakfasts. We were all involved in setting the tables for the main meal, washing up after Friday’s BBQ, and a myriad other things that made it a real family affair. The kids’ dad died when they were too young but they managed to include him in all sorts of ways. It was a truly loving and joyous celebration!
Joe and Charlotte are currently mini-mooning in Cornwall with Albi who made an “appearance” at the ceremony in the form of a mask. It was a huge surprise to Charlotte and the weirdest thing was that even those of us in the know expected him to come trotting in!

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