Heartfreeks challenge
Older than me.
So glad that modern washday is much easier. I inherited the washboard from my 96 year old gran 25 years ago but bought the 2 posets to add to my reminisce collection 18 years ago for the older people that I worked with. I had so much fun from those sessions and learnt so much too. I also made a 'blue' for the whites. My MIL used her washboard up to the day she died in 1988 saying that it got the shirt collars and cuffs and socks so much cleaner than the washing machine. She used it so much that she wore the glass away on one and managed to get a replacement. Some washboards were made of aluminium as well.
quality is not so good today as I have had to use my ipad on account of the fact that my camera is in the workshop for a prism clean. I stupidly tried to get rid of a hair on the prism and made it dirty and it has got worse over the last couple of weeks. it was bugging me as as we are going on an Arctic circle tour in 14 days i thought I had better act now. hope to get it back today or tomorrow. Feel bereft without it.
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