
By PorridgeWog

Red and Thunder (Day 3414)

A very early start for my beautiful wife to zoom off to catch the ferry south, leaving me in charge of the ranch.
After a wander with Sigyn and sorting out a few things at home, I headed to town for a "wound check" with the GP practice nurse. She was surprised by how well I am walking, and even more surprised that I have been pain free since the surgery. Her assessment of my "wounds" is that they are pretty much healed which I knew anyway. I felt I had wasted her time today, but it was a box ticking exercise.
After the appointment I visited a mate to discuss "moving a radiator" in a rental property he owns. It seems the tenant has bigger plans which will involve moving a wall, demolishing half of the kitchen, making the bathroom bigger and doing a bathroom refit. We shall see what he wants to do when he has had a think about it. I collected some pellets for the boiler on the way home, then got Sigyn out for a wander.
After lunch I zoomed to Stromness to check our herd and put some hay out. HV always likes some pics of the boys when she is away so I snapped a few. It is a more difficult job than you would think, because Robin likes to photobomb every shot of he can (extra).

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