
By JohnW

Jump for joy . . .

After the dentist this morning we dropped in on the daughter to see the granddaughter (Kaitlyn) before she goes off to uni (Exeter/Falmouth) tomorrow.  Pam suggested fish and chips for lunch and was dispatched to get them (short walk, just to the top of the road).
Biskit always gets excited when she returns home (I’m told I have the same effect – on Biskit that is) so I tried to snap him when he was jumping up.
I think I succeeded.
All clear at the dentist for me, and Pauline has a chipped tooth to repair.  ( I got the blame for that as it was on my last lot of crackling.)
The rest of the afternoon was taken up with digging out and cleaning our old garden tables ready for tomorrow’s Garage Sale (or Garage Boot Sale as I like to think of it – well if it’s a Car Boot . . . ).

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