Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


We left home just before 9.30 this morning to drive to Kingsclere, just south of Newbury, to St Mary’s Church. Sadly Mrs Satnag took us down some very narrow country roads lanes - of course she did - but we arrived in plenty of time so called into a local coffee shop just opposite the Church.

St Mary’s Church is Norman - 12th century - and there has been a church on the site for over 1000 years, the present church being built on the site of a former Saxon minster. I was glad I wore a warm jumper though because it was quite chilly inside, although it was a beautiful sunny day - but decidedly Autumnal.

As we sat drinking our coffee, we noticed someone getting out of a car just outside the café with lots of camera gear and decided that he was the photographer - and we were right! Finishing our coffee, we wondered around to the back of the church, which was actually the front and found the said photographer there. I had a chat with him - of course I did - and said we had guessed he was the photographer because of all his gear! I’ve put a shot of him in my collage because we noticed - and he pointed out - his distinguishing feature was his odd shoes! I asked his name - of course I did - which was Jamie - and he then told us his photography business was Oddshoe Photography - memorable and quirky!

Having been a Registrar of weddings in our previous Church for many years, we then had a general chat about how intrusive some photographers were, which often detracted from the actual wedding ceremony , whereupon Jamie told us that he didn’t only take photographs but he also did somersaults up and down the aisle! I have to say we missed those but he was very discreet!

Before the service, we were asked by the Vicar NOT to take any photographs during the actual service, which I thought was a very good idea and everyone complied with that request.

It was a lovely service, the accompaniment to the hymns being not an organ, but a friend of the bride and groom playing a guitar. Different and simple - and a lovely touch.

Afterwards, a group of open water swimmers held up floats just outside the church doors, for the bride and groom to walk under. We will probably discover later at the evening reception, the significance of this!

Whilst Jamie was “doing his job” we wandered over to look at the magnificent car - a classic Royale Windsor part-convertible! Mr HCB had a chat with the chauffeur - of course he did - and you can see them having a good old chin-wag!

We were handed little bags of pot pourri to throw “over” not “at” the bride and groom as they walked between the guests towards the wedding car - a lovely touch.

Thought I’d better post my Blip before the evening reception - as we may not be back at our hotel until after midnight - because we might just be dancing the night away - I wish!!

We are now having a sit and a read in a sunny lounge in our hotel, overlooking a beautiful lake - it will soon be time for a shower and then we will put on our “glad rags” ready for this evening’s reception at another even posher hotel about a mile away! Comments will be rather limited/non-existent, I’m afraid.

Enjoy your weekend! M xx

PS I’m afraid I didn’t wear a hat or a fascinator, but I expect you can guess which head was mine!

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