
By Isabel

A day in the Conch Republic ...

Had a wonderful day out today. Headed for Key West (otherwise known as the Conch Republic) on the Key West Express, which takes about 4 hours from Fort Myers. Apparently it used to be a bit of an insult to refer to Key West inhabitants as "Conchs" but not anymore. They famously seceded from the USA and formed the Conch Republic, but capitulated the next day without a blow being struck. The name has stuck though, and the "Conch Republic" symbol is everywhere.
It was an early start as we had to be on the boat ready for an 8.00 am departure but it was well worth it. Key West is a great place to visit... we saw Ernest Hemingway's house, Duval Street, Whitehead Street, the docks area and had a lovely meal at the Turtle Kraals, served by our great waiter, Elijah. We had a great meal, one of the best of the holiday, with great views of the harbour then back on the boat...
Key West has a character all of its own... quirky and fun, with a Caribbean feel to it. The houses are mainly of the Bahamian style of construction, and look very pretty. There is also a strong Cuban influence in Key West, and a lot of history. Many famous writers and artists have lived here, and it has a strong history of pirate activity. The rugged coastline also led to many shipwrecks around its shores, which meant a profitable line of work for the locals in days gone by. Two shipwrecks a week was not uncommon. When the cry went up that a ship had gone down, every able-bodied man used to dash to the spot and save the passengers first. They were then legally entitled to salvage and keep the cargo and belongings they found in the wreckage.
Key West boasts the southernmost point in the USA, where you are much nearer to Cuba than to Miami - only 90 miles across the water. We enjoyed a tour on the famous Conch train, and explored Mallory Square with its little stalls and statues. We walked the length of Duval Street, enjoying the huge variety of shops and bars. In one bar, the waitresses were dancing on tables, another proclaimed itself to be the "smallest bar in Key West" and had a seat for only one customer who was deep in conversation with the bartender. Some old dudes were whiling away the afternoon over some beers in Whistles Bar...
Changed my mind about the photo to use for today's Blip, and have now opted for this shot of the iconic marker at the southernmost point. Some days it's hard to find a suitable subject to "Blip"... today had too many options to choose from!

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