Bricks R Us
Along to the brick beach to collect more ingredients for the hard landscaping, followed by a call in at the RFYC for a cheque and our own yard for a few blethers. While we were along at the brick beach and I was foraging far and wide for just the right bricks, the SK was collecting wild flowers. When I trotted back to meet her she was already chatting away to a young guy from Afghanistan and bonding in that way that she does. She’d been to Herat y’see in 1979 and had a dress made by a local tailor. The Afghans were the friendliest people she met anywhere out there in those days (on the hippy trail though she didn’t say that). The guy agreed and said tourism was booming - they’re getting a lot more tourists again, hotels are available on and everyone is very welcoming, adding that the Taliban are really friendly guys. We let that one go and headed back to the car. Did he just say that? Errrr ummm, he really did. We are such polite people!
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