Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55


The Feast Day of Saint John Chrysostom.Bishop and Doctor of the Church. Born 347 in Antioch, modern Turkey. Died 407 in Pontus, modern Turkey.
He is patron of Educators, preachers, and invoked against epilepsy. He is patron of Constantinople and Istanbul.

It is a lovely sunny morning and 8c, very cold, so we put the heating on for an hour.
The new cat blankets were delivered but although the cats have sniffed them and taken an interest in them, they refuse to sit on them. They tend to take a while to accept new things.

I have been out, well wrapped up, to buy our Daily Mail and Accrington Observer.

Soon after I filled up the bird seed and sprinkled dried meal worms on the bird table, a huge number of starlings appeared, and polished off most of the food. The cats were delighted, but watched from the conservatory.

Tomorrow is Paul's birthday so I am going to wrap his presents now. We are looking forward to Maria coming from Leeds to spend some time with us.

Have a lovely Friday and thank you for visiting my site, blip friends.

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