
By dunkyc


Couldn't resist the title of the seminal John Travolta/Nicolas Cage action belter. Utterly preposterous, but tremendous fun!

It wasn't the best start as my phone pinged with a notification to tell me that the train I was booked on for a leisurely 9.25 had been cancelled, meaning I would need to catch the incredibly hasty 8.25 instead. Fortunately with the children becoming more self-sufficient by the day, I left them to finish off the morning routine and get themselves to school, whilst I headed off to Wigan for a 1-2-1 with my boss.

Our conversation was aided by what can only be described as a bucket of tea and coffee each as we sat in Starbucks, buttered and jammed our fruity toast and caught up with each other, later turning to discuss plans for the business over the coming months. 

With poor health curtailing my boss' career, we talked about mine and where I may end up. Not exactly thrilled with the direction of travel at present, but we both agreed that there were a lot of moving parts happening which could open up some opportunities in the weeks to come, so it would probably be best to wait it out for a little while longer and see what comes to pass.

Normally, I can't wait for meetings to be over, but I didn't want this one to end as I'm not sure how many more there will be with this boss who has taught me a ridiculous amount.

On my way back to the station, I happened to glance through a gap in some buildings that I had clearly never glanced through before, as I saw this beautiful sculpture for the first time. 

Apologies for the quality I was shooting from the hip and in a rush for both the train and toilet. The buckets of tea were not going down without a fight.

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