Lisa's life...

By lisa24270


There was a rainbow as I left the office but the phone camera didn’t do it justice at all today. Luckily I’d already snapped some palm leaves for a natural abstract.

In other news…

Of all the places for the dizzies to return, it had to be my lovely workplace :(

Face first into the carpet tiles, narrowly missing the filing cabinet, for which I’m very grateful. (Especially grateful for my kind and caring colleagues for administering tea and sympathy, rest and biscuits!)

Saving my left foot, I’ve painfully twisted my right knee which is still a little swollen. Other than that just the lingering headache.

In future weeks, I won’t ignore the daily small, seemingly insignificant nosebleeds and will go back to checking my blood pressure more frequently…& I will talk to the doctor about it as F’s been telling me all week to!

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