
By wingpig


Working from my work laptop is wearing thin quite quickly; whilst it handles more screen more fluidly, it only has two USB outlets, all of which are occupied by monitor adapters and the mouse/keyboard dongle, leaving nowhere for the headphone dongle. Unplugging the mouse and keyboard leaves the system operable by the worklaptop's shitty flex-O-keyboard and trackpad and makes me feel that I'm not getting any work done, but unplugging a monitor means the whole screen/window layout rigmarole has to be repeated. I don't like doing meeting through my phone as there's a risk that one day it'll work it out and start sending me alerts for emails and IMs when I'm supposed to be disconnected, though at the moment it seems to accept being turned off. Whilst a new personal laptop has been acquired it'll take at least a day to get the old laptop's drive fully backed-up before I start either trying to boot to an external USB HDD dock or reinstalling vital stuff onto the smaller temporary space.

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