Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


I didn't go to the reserve today, just a walk round the park, looking for the heron who I'd been told was about.  Well maybe he was but I didn't see him.  However, this lovely little egret was busy fishing in one of the many waterways.  Years ago the park used to be part of the water meadows; it has water channels on all four sides and one bisecting it through its length.  The water birds and fishing birds all love it.

The rest of the day's been reasonably quiet, though I've got quite a lot done.  I thought I'd be really tired after yesterday, but somehow I'm not.  Will probably flake out this evening though and go for an early night.

Thanks for all your good wishes yesterday.  I won't know the results of the tests for quite a while, but I was given the delightful news that I'm developing cataracts  ;(  Ah well, that's life, isn't it.

Take care, all  xx

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