
By KatesGardenPDX

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear Sunflower that is! Busy day - new chiropractor whom I really like. He thinks that he can help decompress my spine and free up that pinched nerve yay! Then acupuncture. I went to pick up my share from the CSA this afternoon and they have some amazing sunflowers growing! She cuts flowers and sells them, in fact you can get a subscription if you'd like. I did buy flowers but not sunflowers. Isn't this amazing?

Late this afternoon I went to Pilates class at my old studio - I haven't been since last year because of all of my various aches and pains. But it was super to work with my old teacher and I am sure that I will be very sore tomorrow! 

Now I'm off to a friend's house...she has a friend visiting who is a Mah Jong master and will teach us how to play!

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