This is the day

By wrencottage

Woodford Green

Smithers and I walked to our GP’s surgery this afternoon to book our RSV vaccinations. On the way back we passed the Woodford Green sign, which was erected by the Woodford Green Amenity Group. I like the sign, but am disappointed with the location, which is so busy with street furniture. I wish people would think about photography when they erect such things!

We then took a detour and walked on the path which leads through the avenue of trees alongside the Green towards the Winston Churchill statue (pictured on the sign), before turning round and heading for home on the Green itself near the cricket pitch (also represented on the sign). 

The picture of a cow refers to the ancient right of commoners to graze cattle in Epping Forest. The cows used to be a regular sight but Mad Cow Disease put an end to it and they are rarely seen now. The church spire in the background belongs, of course, to the church we attend – All Saints', Woodford Wells.

The weather was very windy, quite chilly and just starting to spit with rain, so we were glad to get home to the obligatory cup of tea.

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