
By tridral

Newid yr agorfa

Newid yr agorfa ~ Change the aperture

“The shutter of the photographer's camera makes that repeated mechanical sound. That unlocking and locking of the doors of light to send momentary images of the present into the light trap of the past.”
― Simon Mawer

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Es i i'r ceiropractydd am yr amser olaf - am nawr. Rydw i wedi dod i'r cwrs triniaeth ac rydw i'n meddwl ei fod wedi gwneud daioni i mi. Ar ôl y driniaeth roeddwn i'n cerdded yn chwilio am le i dynnu ffotograff gyda chadw cyflymder caead ac ISO yn sefydlog fel ddoe.. Roedd diddorol i geisio ffotograff y blodau hyn ar wal. Yn gyntaf roedd popeth yn rhy dywyll ac roedd yn rhaid i mi agor yr agorfa i f5. Fel arfer rydw i'n dibynnu gormod ar y camera fod ar awtomatig. Felly nawr mae'n rhaid i mi wneud rhywbeth mewn gwirionedd.

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I went to the chiropractor for the last time - for now. I have come to the treatment course and I think it has done me good. After the treatment I was walking looking for a place to take a photograph keeping the shutter speed and ISO fixed like yesterday.. It was interesting to try to photograph these flowers on a wall. First everything was too dark and I had to open the aperture to f5. I usually rely too much on the camera being on automatic. So now I really have to do something.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Blodau ar wal
Description (English): Flowers on a wall
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