A break away
from my routine after the usual early morning routine. Bavers arrived at Mum's bearing another bunch of beautiful flowers from her garden. She inspected Mums latest body of work - the Flower Fairies colouring book is rapidly filling with colour. She critiqued over coffee, then Bavers & I headed off for a cultural fix.
The Devon Open Studios event is taking place during September, today we visited 4 venues, the first taking us down an ever narrowing country lane that eventually brought us to Neadon Barn where an exhibition of photography was on display. Works by various photographers depicting people living & working on Dartmoor. Bavers met someone that remembered her eldest daughter from driving the school bus when they farmed at Manaton. I left them to catch up and kept browsing. We had a coffee & slice of blackberry, almond & cinnamon cake, then got chatting to Andrew Cooper, an author, journalist, naturalist, & photographer who is involved with the Dartmoor Trust. He's written articles in the local rag as far back as I can recall, & worked all over the world. Back to Manaton we then visited Jenny Pery, an incredible artist & art historian, who has travelled extensively throughout the world, a painter & printmaker. She had a wonderful workshop, & body of work on display. Penny O'Brien next, a ceramacist. I loved her sculptures, & beautiful garden. I treated myself to a small ceramic pot/vase.
Manaton Makers & Friends were exhibiting in the gallery at Ullacombe Farm so we had a quick pitstop in the cafe before browsing the artists work on display & for sale.
Made Mums hot meal on my return, then back to Chudleigh. Down to CK at 8.45 to put Mum to bed where she was wide awake & not ready for bed .... "It's only ten to nine" So we sat & chatted while she ate a bag of crisps. Back home at 10pm.
A couple of phonecalls from hubby in hospital during our excursion. Intrevenous anitbiotics, and a stomach scan. When I spoke to him again later in the evening, he had still not seen a doctor, & was getting rather upset as they had not let him have anything to eat, or drink other than water since being admitted.
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