michigan man

By outdoorguy

No! No! No! Not Christmas!

It's one thing to stuff Christmas boxes for children last weekend, but quite another thing to see shelf after shelf of Christmas stuff. This was the scene at Hobby Lobby today.

Why was I at Hobby Lobby? I showed up at Hurley hospital at 9:30 a.m. for yet another CT scan, and the conversation went like this:

"So, Mr. Welker, you did finish the prep this morning?"

"What prep?"

"Your doctor ordered both an oral and an IV contrast."

"That's the first I've heard of it. No one ever mentioned a prep."

"Well, we can't do the procedure without the prep. Sorry."

The hospital blamed the doctor, and when I went to the lobby and called my doctor's office...they blamed the hospital.

So, where does that leave me?
1. A rescheduled procedure for 7 a.m. Thursday, complete with a plan to drink 32 ounces of a raspberry liquid that tastes like chalk.
2. In Hobby Lobby.

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