Soooo, do you hang around here often?

Charlotte was sulking with me today.
Every time I went to do something for her, she would shout for her daddy! Huh. One measly night when I am not home for her bedtime and this is what I get. Daddy goes away for a week and it greeted like the prodigal sun returning !

Chilled out morning, last swim lesson until September. Sleep. Lunch. Mega sleep for both of us. I woke her up after two hours!

Paddling pool fun then I went back to work!
Daddy and Charlotte did tea and then played.
Somehow bath time was later than normal as was bedtime but hey ho, in the grand scheme of things does it matter?

Out on Saturday to see the lion king and then out on Tuesday night to end of term meal, feeling pretty crappy about it all....

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