Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I had some lovely nature moments on my way to work. :)
First, 'my' Raven pair flew over at a low hight. First one, almost over my head, and I admired it as it flew past. Then came the next one and it sat down in a tree I've seen them in before. As I waited for the bus, I heard it 'talking'. They lift my spirit every time I see them.
The bus was late, as it is 8 times out of 10... I'm a bit tired of it... 
It rained this morning, but less in the forest so I could stop and take this blip. Nature is shifting and the Autumn colours are starting to appear. I love it! :)
I found a piece of lichen on my way to work and decided to pick it up and bring it with me, since I thought it looked good as a piece in the upcoming project a coworker and I are doing. I hope it will dry up and have a stiffer form than now. When I placed it on my coworkers work bench, some of the supervisors wondered what this was about, so I told them. One of them also said that another of my coworkers projects were starting to look rather withered and she thought something should be done about it. So, as the first of my chores, I went to water those fairy gardens. Then I continued with giving the flowers fresh water and going through them, as I usually do.
Because I've been having a bit of a soar throat since Sunday evening, I tried to take it a bit easy this morning. I started feeling worse, but wanted to finish my chore as best I could (putting herb leaves in the dryer). Went home after helping a customer. 
Fingers crossed being home two days will be enough for this, whatever it is, to go away. I have been sleeping a lot today.

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