secret garden

By freespiral


In brisk wind of September
 The heavy-headed fruits
Shake upon their bending boughs
 And drop from the shoots;
Some glow golden in the sun,
 Some show green and streaked,
Some set forth a purple bloom,
 Some blush rosy-cheeked.
From  a long poem by Christina Rosetti: A Year's Windfalls 

An abysmal morning - wet and windy and the apples are falling. These three had been left on the table down by the pond and had artistically decayed - perfect for today's Tiny Tuesday challenge. 

Still catching up with myself  but we had a quick trip into Bantry to post Esme's birthday cards ( it will take at least 2 weeks to get there) and get some tick stuff for the cat! Bantry was full of rather bewildered looking English tourists who had been disgorged from a coach. It's quietened already and many places will only be open for part of the week. We forego our swim as it didn't look remotely enticing and I earlier read that the water temperature in Bahrain, according to to TMLHere andThere,  is 36C!!!  I can;t imagine what that feels like.

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