
By JohnW


Almost my first thoughts were my spare wood pile – some of the salvaged planks etc are a little bit past their ‘sell by’ dates, and I wasn’t disappointed.
My first thought was a macro of one of the corners, but when I set up I rather liked the look of the end, so I shot and developed that.  Then I thought “it’s not really a macro” and zoomed in, then resolved to take the shot again with the macro lens.
So here we have a 27 frame focus stack, merged in Affinity and developed in Photoshop Elements 11.
At extra is my first thought on the subject.
Herbie had a birthday this morning – evicted a large garden spider and ‘nest’, and gave him a new set of teeth.  He should be all set for the autumn now.  The grass is growing well again.  Did some strimming and tidying up as well.
Many thanks to McCaviti for hosting TinyTuesday this month.

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