
By Instography

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A true craftsman measures twice. And measures carefully. 465mm exactly, well, 465mm with maybe a millimetre or two to spare because sometimes you don't want a tight fit. Just a close fit. So, 465mm and 200 tall. Not 200 exactly but 200's enough, with room to spare because it's 400 deep and it's got to slide into that space.

So that's what went in the spreadsheet that calculates all the measurements of the bits that need to be cut and those have also got some room to spare: a millimetre or two because some things don't need to be tight and some things need to move. A 50mm drawer can't move in a 50mm space so if the space is 50 the drawer needs to be 47 so that it can slide. 

Anyway, did I say 465? That's what I wrote down in the little notepad in my left pocket. Write it down straight away because by the time you get to the spreadsheet or the saw you'll have forgotten. You'll think it was 465 and it'll turn out after you've built everything (not everything, but the carcase all glued and held together with brads until the glue cures) that it was 445mm and that's way more than a tight fit.

Never mind. It's just scraps of plywood. I made another one. The right size this time.

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