accidental awesome

By alexamato

With a trip like that.....there had to be a casualty at some point.

My 11 days sailing around Croatia was the stuff of dreams. I had such an amazing time, and by the end of week one, the people who I met as strangers left as friends. There was so much great stuff to mention, but if there's one thing that stood out for me on the trip amongst all other things, it was the unbelievable view of the stars I had every night. I didn't think it was even possible to see the Milky Way with the naked eye, but there it was: a thin film of what looked like a faint cloud flowing across the view of the sky.

Really.....this whole trip was beyond words.

What's now beyond salvation is my beloved, recently purchased, Nikon 85mm 1.8d lens. It was 12:30am, just got back from Hvar Town with the guys, the camera bag was perched on a seat towards the back of the boat......I thought the bag was zipped up, but it wasn't. Bounced off the back of the boat, straight into 4 meters of sea water at Kastela Marina. Long story short, a brave shipmate retrieved it, but the fact of the matter is that it was dead as soon as it hit the water.

Crossing my fingers that the travel insurance I got for the trip covers my losses. Until then.....I've got several thousand photo/video files to work through!!

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