
By JanetH


Apart from attending a funeral today I spent the rest of the day inside processing pictures from the last few weeks, desperately trying to catch up. I have now loaded the selections from the LPH workshop last week and also the Switzerland-France trip, so at least the selections are up-to-date. I still have loads more to sift through before I put them together. There should be time to do some of that in the next few weeks.

I therefore hadn't taken any photos today so I've just been for a bliptrip round the garden. I decided these flowers deserved to be blipped again. My tubs went unwatered for 8 days last week while I was away. As we had a heatwave they suffered and I lost some of the plants. These violas were flat and hanging over the edge gasping for water last Saturday but they have responded well to some TLC this week and have resurrected themselves, their brothers and sisters didn't make it. I haven't broken it to them that I will be away again soon!

Photos from Switzerland-France

Photos from Lake District Photography Workshop

Big Adventure Day 43 - Processing
Photos 9/6645

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