
By TonyG

Not The Ball Field

After a long day at work in the Railway Shop, I took the dogs out to Rhydyronen as soon as I finished.   The idea was to let them loose in the ball field but when we arrived we encountered a problem, a four legged, woolly problem.   With farmland on two sides, the hedgerow boundaries must have sprung a leak.   Only one lamb that I could see and thankfully did see before releasing Meg who is like a coiled spring when we arrive there.   So we wandered along to the field by the railway which was mercifully free of both sheep and walkers and uncoiled ourselves for a bit.

On the way back to a - very - late tea, I stopped at pottery to check up on the two pots I threw yesterday.  Both were ready for turning, the process of trimming off excess clay with the pot back on the wheel, so I stopped for forty minutes and sorted them out.  They're at home now to dry and I will add a handle to the mug tonight.

Work again tomorrow, an extra early start, so an extra early night ahead.  Am feeling the pace a bit but so far my health is just about holding up.  Hoping it stays that way.

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