
By biddy

On Green Pond.

At the Garden Centre this morning. The ducks like to dabble in it and get green beaks!
It isn’t dangerous.
Chilly morning.
We went to get three bags of compost to spread some around the roses and in the borders to replenish the nutrients. I also bought some spring bulbs, which I will plant this month. I left it late last year.
The sun came out around lunchtime and I spent a lot of the afternoon in the garden again, just generally tidying. I finished clipping the lavender. There are only a few bees about now.
Raked leaves in the borders.
Then sat in the summerhouse for a bit with a mug of tea.
It’s now 19:20 and the light is beginning to fade.
Stephen made wraps for tea earlier. I had chicken in mine.
Quiz night tonight on TV. Always look forward to that!
“Only Connect” then “University Challenge” (which I watch with the subtitles on!)

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