
By KCNQ2Haiku

Early evening walk

Patterns changing, like
the seasons. Confusion for
canine amongst us.

Ben got off to school ok this morning, the excessive prep made the first day feel more manageable so I was pleased. Strange without him though, he’s in respite now until Wednesday so I’ve been chasing around after appointments etc. Leo had an early walk and then it was 5:30 before I was able to take him again, he was getting adamant that it was time and was quite giddy when we started out. It’s funny how going at a different time can change a walk.. different dog walkers, busy-ness levels, even the light and the weather. Anyway, it was fairly quiet so we went to the local ‘on lead’ gardens and (after an initial excitement bark at some squirrels) Leo enjoyed a good many sniffs and pulled me around a lot. This is the main path through the gardens, it’s very pretty but definitely becoming autumnal.
Not much else, I had a physio appointment, spoke to family and did some ironing, mending and sorting.

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