
By PaulaJ

A forest of . . .

. . . basil.

I like a basil plant in the kitchen during the summer - basil enhances so many foods, especially tomatoes. A few months ago I bought, as usual, a plant from M&S but when I got it home I took it out of the pot, we carefully separated the roots of the numerous little plants, then Gordon planted them individually in pots.

I have one in the kitchen and these were in the conservatory where they get the sun. They have gone mad - a forest sprang up.

After I took the photo, I cut the tallest stems so they would grow out rather than up and then used all the leaves from these cut stems to make pesto - basil, pine nuts, Parmesan and olive oil whizzed up in the processor - and I have fresh pesto to use in pasta and salad etc. Magic!

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