Playing life by ear.

By Crazyoldbird


If there is a tsunami warning and you happen to be on the beach, this is the place to go.
Yesterday was dedicated to an inlaw family visit. Sunday is a tough day for a widow who has also lost her only son. S did a few jobs for her that she couldn't handle alone. 

Malaika had special guests on board on Saturday, the captain of the poshest cruise ship ever. No name dropping but it was an honour to have him, his wife and daughter on board, going from one extreme to the other.
I explained that our boat is old and scruffy but sound and seaworthy so that they could feel safe.
It was the daughter who had most fun, hardly leaving the helm as the wind grew from a light breeze to and exiting, brisk one.
Our guests brought loads of sliced pizza and mortadella with them, which was so wonderful that we all ate it instead of the omlette rolls that I had made.
For some reason, even simple food always tastes much better at sea.

Back at home, when at last I felt hungry again, I dicovered that S. had kindly eaten my omlette as well as his own.
Yesterday evening Jannik Sinner won the USA Open finals. We really enjoyed the match. 
Sorry to be mean, but Elon Musk and Taylor Swift in addition to many famous actors were in the stadium, together with thousands of fans and all rooting for the other player, Taylor Fritz, who is American and who loooost to our very kind and thoughtful Jannik.

During the night there was a downpour and today will be chores, chores, chores.

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